Friday, November 26, 2010

Different types of onset insomnia

Let us first find out what insomnia or can't sleep disorder is...

A person who is not able to sleep or is in a state in which he cannot remain sleeping for an optimum time for proper rest is said to be suffering from insomnia or can't sleep disorder.

According to medical experts and doctors it is necessary for adults to sleep for at least six to eight hours at night. And as an independent estimate more than 50 million people across the globe are suffering from this can't sleep disorder.

Insomnia is derived from Latin word which when segregated means no sleep ( In - NO and insomnia - sleep ) but the term insomnia is used to describe many types of sleeplessness.

The different conditions of insomnia can be broadly classified as:

# Sleeplessness or not able to sleep which is mostly prevalent in young people which may be due to fatigue, work pressure, mental tension, etc.

# Sleep restlessness where it is difficult to maintain sleep as the person keep getting up from his sleep and find it difficult to go back to sleep again often spending the rest of the night awake. This kind of insomnia is more common in people over forty years. Some younger people it may happen which could be mostly due to depression

Insomnia can be classified broadly into two categories:

Transient insomnia - which can be said to be a temporary one as it not long lasting and remains for a few nights or weeks only. This may be due to some unusual stressful event.

Chronic insomnia - which lasts for a long time and may affect a person for several weeks, months or even years also known as long term insomnai.

Alternatively insomnia may be termed as primary and secondary insomnia.

Primary insomnia is the most common type of insomnia which is not caused by health problems. The changes in job schedule, work pressure or jet lag may result in such type of insomnia.

Secondary insomnia is a symptom of another underlying condition due to some health issues that causes this can't sleep disorder. When you receive effective treatment for the underlying condition, the insomnia usually goes away.

As people get older they are not able to sleep soundly and as they sleep for a shorter spans, although they still need the same amount of sleep as was required in the younger days of their lives.

If we take a look at the overall statistics the patterns are amazing:

More than 50 percent of the cases of insomnia are due to psychological causes whereas the other 50 percent are due to behavioral causes which includes the sleep environment, medications & drugs and other physical causes.

Overall the final outcome is a poor quality sleep which leaves you unrefreshed in the morning that directly affects your normal working and causes daytime sleepiness and limits your energy level. A long term insomnia results in depression, irritability and loss of memory. The most common targets of such disorders are women and elderly people.

It's time to wake up now!

Are you sleeping well?

Are you getting the amount of sleep that your body system need? After a long hectic daily routine our body systems need rest to recover whatever the losses in energy had taken place during the day. And if you are not getting a good night sleep things will go against nature and problems in our health will start happening.

Sometimes we are not able to get sleep and this is the initial stage of insomnia or can't sleep disorder. It may seem a matter of not much importance  but in the later stages of this can't sleep disorder it can really cause big problems.

Basically insomnia is not getting a good sleep. It mainly occurs when there are long spells of wakefulness at night. It is normally believed that the duration of sleep is the main factor that is responsible for this but as a matter of fact the duration does not matter but it is the quality of sleep which matters. If one is sleeping soundly for a few hours that would be better than long hours of interrupted sleep.

Effects of insomnia :

There are many effects and side effects of insomnia but the majors ones are

    * Low mental efficiency
    * Depression
    * Forgetfulness
    * Anger and irritability
    * Lack of proper judgment

Causes for insomnia

The digestive disorder and constipation directly affects our sleep. Apart from this the problem in our respiratory system which takes care of the oxygen intake is also responsible for making us spend sleepless nights. Our relationships which are in trouble, loss of job, financial matters, anxiety, etc also directly affect our sleep and cause insomnia.

Simple cures for insomnia

There are many natural and herbal cures for insomnia but I will list some normal home cures for insomnia here which will definitely help you get rid of insomnia.

Reforms in diet : One of the home cure for insomnia is the changes in your diet which you can easily bring about. Just avoid all types of negative foods like fried food and sweets. Avoid tea or coffee especially at night. Try to take lots of fresh juices and coconut water. This will really help your digestive system. Honey taken with water before going to bed is really soothing to the nerves.

Personal hygiene will also help you out of insomnia. Foot bath with hot water for about 15/20 minutes followed with cold one before going to bed is really helpful. A spinal bath with cold water is also helpful.
Do avoid high pillows as they causes stiffness and tension in the neck muscles and also impede the normal flow of blood to the head area. Nigh clothing should be light and soft.

A common insomnia panic is use of sleeping pills and sedatives which should be completely avoided as the use such cures  for insomnia is really harmful in a long run as these mainly suppress the symptoms and not cure the causes of insomnia.  I hope these simple and natural cures for insomnia will give some relief.

Stay tuned for some more on insomnia.